Wednesday, November 2, 2016


1. I thought it was pretty enlightening hearing how all these animals have been wiped out just in 13 years by someone who has gone there and back and who cares for these animals. The photos he took while he was in Africa were stunning, everything about the pictures were how they were supposed to be by grabbing my attention and making me actually interested in the pictures. I also liked the fact that he was honest about having some sort of connection with the animals he just stated how he was just fascinated by them.

2. My favorite Photo:

Image result for nick brandt

3. I like this picture because I feel like it tells the story of someone who is sad because he is holding the tusks of an elephant that was probably killed and his face is hidden. It looks dark and gloomy giving it a dark sad sort of feeling that I like because it actually tells a story instead of just looking cool

4. Rules:

Framing is good to just show the end of the tusks and the back of the man with no distractions.

Simplicity: The photo has nothing from the subject, the land is flat with no other distractions in the background.

5.  He photographed on medium-format black and white film without telephoto or zoom lenses. This is important because he said that he needs to be very close to the animal in order to capture a personality and his camera only allows him to do that.

6. His reason is to express his love for animals through photography that he wanted people to see and love animals like he did.

7. To bring light to the poaching situation and to make people fall in love with animals like he is.

8. The photos are my elegy to these beautiful creatures, to this wrenchingly beautiful world that is steadily, tragically vanishing before our eyes.

Funny Captions

Roger McSkinny chases the van in front of him in the morning after he loses his clothes in the forest. His wife,  Mrs. McSkinny stole his clothes after she found out Roger left the milk cap off of the carton.


Mrs. Goodell orders her Wendy's on her cart she is stealing from the grocery store. Mrs. Goodell was very stressed out after driving on the road going 4 mph down the highway and told herself she deserved a frosty.

Former Captain, BlackBeard is being told he can not live in the past by his former crew mates, Fiddy and Widdy. Blackbeard has been depressed from not raiding and looting islands and ships like he used to.