Monday, September 26, 2016

Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO


F2.8Image result for photo taken at F2.8

F16Image result for photo taken at F16


1.The pupil is what we closely relate to aperture.

2.The smaller the aperture f-number the larger the aperture

Image result for photo taken at high shutter speed3.A smaller aperture will bring the images in the background in focus and larger aperture will make the camera focus on the subject in front.

Shutter Speed:
Photo at high shutter speed

Image result for photo taken at slow shutter speed

Photo at low shutter speed



Camera Settings:

Aperture Priority-Set the lens aperture while camera automatically sets shutter speed
Image result for photo taken at ISO 200
Shutter Priority-Set the shutter speed while camera sets aperture

Manual- Set both aperture and shutter speed.


200 ISO:

3200 ISO:

Image result for photo taken at ISO 3200

ISO Questions:

1. High ISO can be used to capture fast images with good lighting when you don't have good lighting.

2. Always try to use ow ISO unless you do not have good lighting.

3. Use high ISO when you need to quickly capture an image without enough light originally.

All Together:

1. Aperture Settings-2.8 4 5.6 8 11 16 22

2. Shutter Speed Settings- 1 sec  1/60 sec  1/4000 sec

3. ISO Settings 100 200 400 800 1600 3200 6400 12800 25600

Filling the Frame

This best represents filling the frame because it has liquid spraying everywhere making it exciting and interesting to look at.

Action and Emotion

This one shows the most emotion because all of the people are all gathered with their heads down in silence out of maybe respect or sadness. 

The Story

I chose this because it tells the story of how these students are helping the homeless and how they are being loving and giving towards those who need that in their life. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Post Shoot Reflection

1. The main challenge i face was that i could not figure out how to copy and paste different things.

2. I found myself thinking about focused shots a lot.

3. I would look for more meaningful photos that actually meant something.

4. I would still look a lot for pictures that were focused correctly because i do not like photos that are not focused.

5. I really enjoyed my Rule of Thirds picture and also my balance photo.

6. Yes i would, because I think it is a subject that needs to be talked about, especially for those who were not born before the event.

She could have used less rule of thirds I felt like she used too much of it. Also all of her pictures subjects were on the right side of the picture, she lacks variety of placement.

She did take pictures of actually interesting subjects which is very good for pictures.

Lines Explanation

I think this picture best represents lines because when i first looked at the photo I saw the girl and then the lines which are the 2 towers led me up to the explosion which is the subject.


Framing Explanation

This guy wasn't alone in seeking comfort in a familiar symbol after the attacks.
The framing of this photo lets us see the very edge of the american flag to the man's face this could also be an example or rule of thirds as his face is in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Balance Explanation

I think this picture is a good example of balance in a photo because the man is directly in the center of the photo and we see papers all over the street with no distractions from him.

Rule of Thirds Explanation

This picture best represents rule of thirds because as we see the action and subject of the picture is the explosion which is in the top right of the picture.

Simplicity Explanation

This picture represents simplicity because it is just one man in the photo. He is falling but it almost looks like he is still in the air. Also there are absolutely nothing else you could be looking at.

Avoiding Mergers Explanation

Avoiding Mergers Explanation:
This picture bets represents avoiding mergers because, the women in the building is covered with ash as well as the building being filled with ash so nothing is distracting us from her.

My Favorite Photos

My Favorite Photos:


Rule of Thirds:


Avoiding Mergers with color of shirt and flower:

Monday, September 12, 2016

The Camera Questions

The Camera Questions:

1. The effect of a light going through a small hole projecting light

2. The understanding of optics and process of making lens

3. He added film, glass lens, and a dark box.

4. Glass lens and film and a dark box are still used.

5. Digital cameras use digital film to capture pictures

6. Auto mode controls lighting, exposure etc, when in program u can only control flash and a few other settings.

7. Portrait mode blurs out the background of a picture.

8. Sports is used for stop motion and uses the fastest shutter speed possible.

9. Half press will focus the picture automatically.

10. That symbol means no flash and is used when lighting is OK.

11. Auto flash is used when camera thinks it needs more light.

12. The picture will be washed out with too much light.

13. The picture will be too dark with not enough light

14. Represents a relative change in light.

15. 1 Stop

16. 2 Stops

17. Longer shutter speeds means more light.

18. Shorter shutter speeds mean less light

19.The aperture controls how much light is let into picture.

20. You can increase it with larger openings.
Avoiding Mergers 
FramingThis guy wasn't alone in seeking comfort in a familiar symbol after the attacks.
Rule of Thirds

Friday, September 9, 2016

Modern Photorapher

Patrick Marella: The City That Never Sleeps

The City That Never Sleeps

Modern Photographer:

George Suresh Thunderstruck  Thunderstruck
Modern Photographer

Gerald Donovan: Dubai Day to Night Dubai day to night
Yousuf Karsh: Winston ChurchillChurchill
I like the black and white photographers: Yousuf Karsh, Robert Doisneau and Joel Meyerowitz

Joel Meyerowitz: Blind Man Blind Man

Robert Doisneau: Fallen Horse The Fallen Horse