Monday, September 12, 2016

The Camera Questions

The Camera Questions:

1. The effect of a light going through a small hole projecting light

2. The understanding of optics and process of making lens

3. He added film, glass lens, and a dark box.

4. Glass lens and film and a dark box are still used.

5. Digital cameras use digital film to capture pictures

6. Auto mode controls lighting, exposure etc, when in program u can only control flash and a few other settings.

7. Portrait mode blurs out the background of a picture.

8. Sports is used for stop motion and uses the fastest shutter speed possible.

9. Half press will focus the picture automatically.

10. That symbol means no flash and is used when lighting is OK.

11. Auto flash is used when camera thinks it needs more light.

12. The picture will be washed out with too much light.

13. The picture will be too dark with not enough light

14. Represents a relative change in light.

15. 1 Stop

16. 2 Stops

17. Longer shutter speeds means more light.

18. Shorter shutter speeds mean less light

19.The aperture controls how much light is let into picture.

20. You can increase it with larger openings.

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