Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Post Shoot Reflection

1. The main challenge i face was that i could not figure out how to copy and paste different things.

2. I found myself thinking about focused shots a lot.

3. I would look for more meaningful photos that actually meant something.

4. I would still look a lot for pictures that were focused correctly because i do not like photos that are not focused.

5. I really enjoyed my Rule of Thirds picture and also my balance photo.

6. Yes i would, because I think it is a subject that needs to be talked about, especially for those who were not born before the event.

She could have used less rule of thirds I felt like she used too much of it. Also all of her pictures subjects were on the right side of the picture, she lacks variety of placement.

She did take pictures of actually interesting subjects which is very good for pictures.

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