Monday, October 31, 2016

Rules of Photography II

Theme: Basketball

Rule of Thirds:Image result for basketball photos using rule of thirds

Balance/Balancing Elements:
Image result for photos of basketball on court

Lines/Leading Lines:Image result for basketball photo rules of photography


Image result for basketball photo

Image result for basketball photo using photography framing

Avoiding Mergers:
Image result for basketball photo using photography avoiding mergers

Self Portraits and Portraits Part 1

"This type of framing can add a sense of fun and energy into your shots. Just don’t ‘slightly’ do it or you’ll have people asking themselves if you might have mistakenly held your camera crooked." 

"The most common mistake made by photographers is that they are not physically close enough to their subjects. In some cases this means that the center of interest—the subject—is just a speck, too small to have any impact. Even when it is big enough to be decipherable, it usually carries little meaning. Viewers can sense when a subject is small because it was supposed to be and when it's small because the photographer was too shy to get close."

Environmental Portrait:

Image result for environmental portrait

I liked this photo because I love Basketball and I think it was a rally cool way to shoot the picture from above the rim through the net.

Image result for environmental portrait

I liked this one because he looks just completely alone with just the water and a tiny bit of land in the frame.

Photography Self Portrait:

Image result for photography self portrait

 liked this one because it looks really cool how his whole body looks normal and still but his face is shaking rapidly and makes the picture look really cool.

Image result for photography self portrait

This one I liked because he is drawing himself and I like how it tells the viewer that he is a drawer in a really cool way.

Casual Portrait:
Image result for Casual portrait

I liked this one basically just because of the angle which makes it more unique than the other casual portraits.
Image result for Casual portrait

I liked this one because I really like kids and it was not like all he other adult portraits that are not very interesting to me.

Portrait Assignment:

For my portrait project I will be shooting portraits of my 4 year-old niece, Claire. I will be shooting at my grandmother's big house that has many different interesting places to shoot. I am striving to make the pictures interesting with different angles and backgrounds, I especially will try and use the photography rules of Framing, Avoiding Mergers and Rule of Thirds.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Great Black and White Photographers Part 3

Image result for Robert Doisneau

I see happiness, as he thinks he has solved the equation, I smell the odor of wood and the outside. I hear the laughter and talk of children, I feel the heat of the sun with no form of cooling. I have a dry taste in my mouth in the complete wood school.
Image result for Robert Doisneau

I see wonder and confusion as the boy looks out into the city. I smell gas from the train, I hear the loud sound of the train as it speeds along the tracks. I feel the hard wood of the train pressing on my chin, I taste the dirt in my mouth after a long day of playing with my elephant toy.

I would probably like to make a poster.

Great Black and White Photographers Part II

Robert Doisneau was born in April 1912 and died in April 1994. He was born in Gentilly, Paris where he also attended school even though he mentioned that the streets is where he had his most important schooling.he enrolled at the École Estienne, a craft school from which he graduated in 1929 with diplomas in engraving and lithography.When he was 16 he took up photography but was  so shy that he started by photographing cobblestones before progressing to children and then adults. He began photographing in 1929 in order to improve his draftsmanship in order to work in advertising or reporting.

 Robert began his job as a photographer for a rental car company in 1930 while also taking pictures of the streets hoping to sell them to magazines. Robert then became a part of the resistance in world war II and then resumed his career in advertising by shooting for Vogue magazine in 1945 after the war. His first book of is photographs was in 1949 called The Suburbs of Paris. In the 1950s he became a part of the Group XV which was a group of Photographers who were dedicated to improving the artistry and technical aspects of photography. He from then on photographed a wide array of people and events for the rest of his career.

Robert Doisneau is now known as one of the first ever humanist photographers, being one of the first photographers of modest, playful and ironic pictures. He also took pictures of mingling social classes, and eccentrics in contemporary Paris streets and cafes. Robert Doisneau said "The marvels of daily life are so exciting; no movie director can arrange the unexpected that you find in the street." Stating how photography can capture the more exciting and interesting scenes that any movie would. Robert Doisneaus's work gives a respect and notice to children's play not bothered by any parents.

Image result for Robert DoisneauImage result for Robert Doisneau

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Abandoned Theme Parks

Takakanonuma Greenland is the park I would like to visit because it looked really kind of scary and creepy. It would be cool to go there in the mountains too. It is also supposedly haunted so it would be fun to go with like a friend to go take pictures together. I would definitely not want to be there alone.

5 other places to take cool pictures:
1. A big unexplored cave.
2. Deep in the ocean in a submarine
3. Underground Rome
4. Some island no one knows about
5. An abandoned village some where remote.

No picture for undiscovered island.

It would be very interesting to take pictures on an undiscovered island because you will have a sense of danger if there is some sort of new species on the island or a tribe. It would be an amazing experience to take pictures there because you could know that you are the owner of any pictures of that island. Also if the island hasn't been touched by humans it would be fun and weird to see a place not inhabited by humans how it would look. 

I would need to research what islands have all been discovered before like on a map and such. Then i would need to acquire a plane to explore or a boat and would also need a lot of food and water because I don't know how long it would take to find an island. I would also need some type of protection like a gun of some sort.

Mural Questions

1. I think it would be cool to be a blue theme of some sort because the color is really nice to look at.

2. We should definitely open up to cameras so the pictures will all look better.

3. I would want to put it outside on the gym maybe.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Photoshop Before and After

Before                                                                                                                                               After







