Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Great Black and White Photographers Part II

Robert Doisneau was born in April 1912 and died in April 1994. He was born in Gentilly, Paris where he also attended school even though he mentioned that the streets is where he had his most important schooling.he enrolled at the École Estienne, a craft school from which he graduated in 1929 with diplomas in engraving and lithography.When he was 16 he took up photography but was  so shy that he started by photographing cobblestones before progressing to children and then adults. He began photographing in 1929 in order to improve his draftsmanship in order to work in advertising or reporting.

 Robert began his job as a photographer for a rental car company in 1930 while also taking pictures of the streets hoping to sell them to magazines. Robert then became a part of the resistance in world war II and then resumed his career in advertising by shooting for Vogue magazine in 1945 after the war. His first book of is photographs was in 1949 called The Suburbs of Paris. In the 1950s he became a part of the Group XV which was a group of Photographers who were dedicated to improving the artistry and technical aspects of photography. He from then on photographed a wide array of people and events for the rest of his career.

Robert Doisneau is now known as one of the first ever humanist photographers, being one of the first photographers of modest, playful and ironic pictures. He also took pictures of mingling social classes, and eccentrics in contemporary Paris streets and cafes. Robert Doisneau said "The marvels of daily life are so exciting; no movie director can arrange the unexpected that you find in the street." Stating how photography can capture the more exciting and interesting scenes that any movie would. Robert Doisneaus's work gives a respect and notice to children's play not bothered by any parents.

Image result for Robert DoisneauImage result for Robert Doisneau

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